Wesley Stoddard
Moore Stoddard Stoddard & Wood in practice since 1975.I have been in private practice since 1975, immediately after law school joining my father's law firm which was established in 1947 by Charles C. Moore and Robert L. Stoddard. The law firm has been operating as Moore Stoddard Stoddard & Wood at 207 Magnolia Street since 1960, directly across from the Spartanburg County Courthouse. I currently have a solo practice handling personal injury claims, divorces and family law, including name changes, real estate closings, Probate matters, Wills, Power of Attorneys, and drafting deeds. I served as the City Prosecutor for the City of Spartanburg for 11 years. I am a past President of the Spartanburg County Bar Association. I am serving as an Elder at First Presbyterian Church, where I have served as Clerk of the Session and Chairman of the Board of Deacons. I am a past President and past Lt. Governor of the Kiwanis Club of Spartanburg, and have served on the Boards of Mountainview Nursing Home, Greater Spartanburg Ministries, Junior Achievement, Project EAT, Spartanburg Touchdown Club, the Converse Heights Neighborhood Association and the Dutchman Prison Chapel Committee. I have served on the South Carolina Bar Board of Governors , the SC Supreme Court Commission on Lawyer Competence, the Bar's Nomination Committee, the Judicial Review Commission and its House of Delegates for 25 years; as well as the President of the SC Bar Young Lawyers Division, which represented all lawyers in the state under 35 years of age. I have served as National Co-chairman of ABA Community Law Week. While attending USC Law School I served as President of the Student Bar Association. I have been active in support of my alma mater, Clemson University, as the IPTAY Chairman for Spartanburg County, an IPTAY Representative since 1978, a past member of the National Alumni Council and as a member of the Board of the Spartanburg County Clemson Club since 1976 where I serve as the Chairman of the annual scholarship committee.
- Family Law
- Child Support, Father's Rights, Paternity, Prenups & Marital Agreements
- Divorce
- Contested Divorce, Property Division, Spousal Support & Alimony, Uncontested Divorce
- Probate
- Probate Administration
- Personal Injury
- Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Truck Accidents, Wrongful Death
- Real Estate Law
- Easements, Mortgages, Residential Real Estate
- Elder Law
- Business Law
- Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Formation
- Credit Cards Accepted
- Contingent Fees
- South Carolina
- English
- House of Delegates
- South Carolina Bar
- Current
- Served 25 years representing the Seventh Judicial Circuit
- Spartanburg County Bar Association
- Past President
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- Commissioner
- Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education & Specialization
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- Board of Governors, House of Delegates, Nominatiing Committe, President of SC Bar Young Lawyers Division
- South Carolina Bar
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- Supreme Court Commission on Continuing Legal Education and Specialization,
- Assistant City Attorney-Prosecutor
- City of Spartanburg
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- University of South Carolina School of Law
- J.D. | Law
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- Honors: President of the Student Bar Association
- Clemson University
- B.S. (1972) | Industrial Management
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- Honors: Vice President Society for Advancement of Management
- Activities: Freshman Cheerleader, Member of Calhoun Pre-Law Society
- Lifetime Achievement Award- Chief Justice Claude Taylor Award
- Spartanburg County Bar Association
- President
- Spartanburg County Bar Association
- Lifetime Achievement Award
- Spartanburg Area Clemson Club
- Lt Governor
- Kiwanis Club of Spartanburg
- Served as Lt Governor over 12 clubs from SC and NC
- President
- Kiwanis Club of Spartanburg
- Spartanburg County Bar Association
- President, Vice President, Executive Committeeman
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- South Carolina Bar  # 5365
- Member, Board of Governors, House of Delegates, President Young Lawyers Division
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- Activities: Board of Governors, House of Delegates, Nominating Committee, President Young Lawyers Division(under age 35)
- Juvenile Pre Trial Diversion program
- AV Rating
- Martindale Hubbell
- Q. My question is can i seek for backchild support if I never have requested it for the past 6 yrs?
- A: Child support will be set at the Judge's discretion but my experience is that most Judges will not award
you past child support in this instance if there was no previous order awarding it to you.
- Q. In the state of SC can you get an annulment after 5 months after finding untruths or do we have to file for a divorce?
- A: You would have to file a petition for an annulment and serve the spouse. It will be necessary to have a short hearing to prove the grounds and that the marriage has not been consummated.
- Q. If the child isn't biologically his, does the child have to be mentioned in divorce papers for custody?
- A: In SC a child born during a marriage presumes the father is your husband. For this reason this child does need to be included so the Divorce Decree will address the paternity snd name the natural father. Snydebts accumulated during the marriage are presumed to be marital debts so they need to be included and addressed