Robert Radulescu
Robert Radulescu is the founder of ROMANCORE LAW and a civil litigator with experience in state and federal courts. He has been named one of the top 50 attorneys in the U.S. for the year 2019 by the Top 100 Magazine. Robert has broad experience in trials, court appearances, drafting and arguing briefs and motions, conducting written discovery, and taking and defending depositions and even some appellate work. Skilled in negotiation, legal writing and a strong business development. Robert focuses on advising his clients to make the best business decisions, whether that's achieved strictly through legal avenues, through business relationships and negotiations, or a combination of both. During his spare time, Robert loves to spend time with family and friends, pursue his passion in real estate, and help make his community a better place to live.
(619) 766 - 2626
- Hungarian: Spoken, Written
- Romanian: Spoken, Written
- California State Bar  # 317447
- - Current