Robert Michael Brill
Law Offices of Robert M. Brill, LLC
CONCENTRATION: Telecommunications, Transportation, Land Use, Litigation & Administrative Proceedings. Representation of businesses before NYC Agencies.
EDUCATION: Univ. of Chicago Law School, J.D., 6/1981. Honors:1980 Hinton Moot Court Champion. Princeton Univ., A.B., 6/1978. Honors: Graduated Magna cum laude; Recipient, R.W. Van de Velde Prize, Wilson School, 1977. Major: The Wilson School for Public and International Affairs. Thesis: The Lessons and Relevance of Nuremberg for American Policy Makers in the 1970's and 1980's.
COURT APPOINTMENTS: Arbitrator, Small Claims Part, NYC Civ. Ct., 2006 to date. Receiver and Counsel to Receiver, NYS OCA, Part 36, 2003 to date. Referee in Foreclosures, Part 36, 1995 to date. Mediator-Neutral, ADR, NYS Sup. Ct., Commercial Part, N.Y. Co., 1999-2002. Arbitrator, Commercial Part, NYC Civ. Ct., N.Y. Co., 1990-1991.
BAR ACTIVITIES. Chair, 1991-1994, Secretary, 1989-1991, 2018-2019, Committee on Transportation, NYC Bar Association ("ABCNY”). Member, Committees, ABCNY: NYC Affairs, 2001-05, 2015-18; Admin. Law, 2009-12; Telecom. Law, 1997-2001; Banking Law, 1994-1997; Transp. Law, 1988-1994, 2018-2020. Member, ABCNY, NYSBA, ABA. Co-Moderator, 4/28/15, ABCNY Panel, “The Evolving City Council.” Lecturer/Moderator, ABCNY, “Earth, Wind, Fire and Water: A Practical Guide to the Ins & Outs of New York City Infrastructure,” Sponsored by Com. on NYC Affairs, 3/24/03. Lecturer/Panel Member, ABCNY, “Representing Clients Before NYC Administrative Tribunals,” Sponsored by the Com. on Admin. Law, 6/3/10.
PUBS: Can Local & Federal Regulatory Structures Co-Exist?, Nat’l L.J., 10/30/00; Bks' Non-Contractual Duty to NY Customers, NYLJ, 5/27/93; Fed. Ct. Jurisd. Over Intl. Bking Transactions, Bking LJ, March-April, 1993; Bk Liability in NY for Breach of Customer Confidentiality, Bking LR, Spring 1992; Co-drafter, Rpt., For Whom the Bell Tolls: NY's Mortal Crisis in Goods Movement, ABCNY, The Record, Nov. 1991.
- Business Law
- Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Finance, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
- Communications & Internet Law
- Internet Law, Media & Advertising, Telecommunications Law
- Municipal Law
- Gov & Administrative Law
- Administrative Law, Election Law, Government Contracts, Government Finance, Legislative & Government Affairs
- Real Estate Law
- Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
- Land Use
- Regulated Industries
- Transportation
- Registered NYS Receiver and Counsel to Receivers
- Litigation (NYS and Federal Courts)
- New York
- University of Chicago
- J.D. (1981) | Law
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- Honors: Champion (with partner), Hinton Moot Court Competition, 1977.
- Activities: Hinton Moot Court. Third Year Musical Revue (played Professor John Langbein).
- Princeton University
- B.A. (1978) | The Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs
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- Leader, the Clio Party, Whig-Clio Senate. Editor in Chief, The Hallmark, Whig-Clio. Member, Whig-Clio Governing Council.
- Honors: Graduated Magna cum Laude. Recipient, R.W. Van de Velde Prize, Wilson School, 1977.
- Activities: Princeton University Debate Panel. The American Whig Cliosophic Society. Charter Club
- American Bar Association
- Current
- Association of the Bar of the City of New York
- Member
- Current
- Activities: Chair, 1991-1994, Secretary, 1989-1991, 2018-2019, Committee on Transportation, Association of the Bar of the City of New York (“ABCNY”). Member, Committees, ABCNY: New York City Affairs, 2015-2018; Administrative Law, 2009-2012; New York City Affairs, 2001-2005; Telecommunications Law, 1997-2001; Banking Law, 1994-1997; Transportation Law, 1988-1994. Member, ABCNY, New York State Bar Association, American Bar Association. Co-Moderator, April 28, 2015 ABCNY Panel, “The Evolving City Council.”
- New York State Bar  # 1821487
- Member
- - Current