Richard Jon Sobelsohn

Richard Jon Sobelsohn

Cohen Brothers Realty Corporation, Senior Vice President, Legal
  • Real Estate Law, Business Law, Construction Law
  • Connecticut, District of Columbia, New Jersey, New York
Claimed Lawyer ProfileSocial Media


Practice Areas
Real Estate Law
Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
Business Law
Business Contracts, Business Dissolution, Business Finance, Business Formation, Business Litigation, Franchising, Mergers & Acquisitions, Partnership & Shareholder Disputes
Construction Law
Construction Contracts, Construction Defects, Construction Liens, Construction Litigation
Additional Practice Area
  • Green Building Law
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
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District of Columbia
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New Jersey
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New York
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U.S. Supreme Court
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  • English: Spoken, Written
Professional Experience
Senior Vice President
Cohen Brothers Realty Corporation
- Current
Vice President, Legal
Cohen Brothers Realty Corporation
Team Lead and Group Director of Financial Practice Area Modules - Lexis Practice Advisor
LexisNexis - Lexis Practice Advisor
Lexis Practice Advisor - Director, Content and Product Initiatives - Real Estate
Adjunct Professor of Law at Brooklyn Law School and New York Law School.
Moses & Singer LLP
Richard J. Sobelsohn was an attorney in the Real Estate practice at Moses & Singer. He represents developers, corporations, financial institutions and individuals concerning a variety of commercial real estate transactions including sustainable development, acquisitions, dispositions, financing, condominium offerings and leasing. Mr. Sobelsohn is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED AP) from the U.S. Green Building Council. Prior to joining Moses & Singer, Mr. Sobelsohn was an associate at the law firms Stroock, Stroock & Lavan, LLP and Kaye Scholer LLP. Before attending law school, Mr. Sobelsohn was Director of The Sobelsohn School, an adult business school specializing in real estate, insurance and accounting. x
Harvard/Reed Elsevier Management Essentials Program
Certificate | Management
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Brooklyn Law School
J.D (1998) | Law
Honors: Judge Edward and Doris A. Thompson Award for Excellence in Professional Skills
Brooklyn Law School Logo
Colgate University
B.A. | History
Honors: Cum Laude, Honors in History, Kinosioni
Colgate University Logo
American College of Real Estate Lawyers
ACREL is the premier organization of U.S. real estate lawyers. Admission is by invitation only after a rigorous screening process. ACREL’s distinguished, nationally-known lawyers have been elected to fellowship for their outstanding legal ability, experience and high standards of professional and ethical conduct in the practice of real estate law.
One Team One Dream Team Excellence Award
LexisNexis - Lexis Practice Advisor
Team Excellence Award for business leaders as the face of the product.
Green Globes Professional (GGP)
Green Building Initiative
Certified as a Green Globes Professional
Member - The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation
American Bar Association
Named a member of The Fellows of the American Bar Foundation
Institute of Green Professionals
LEED Accredited Professional
United States Green Building Council
Professional Associations
Columbia Law School
Adjunct Professor of Law
- Current
Activities: Teaching Real Estate Transactions and Sustainable Building Law
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Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
Adjunct Professor of Law
- Current
Activities: Teaches Cooperatives and Condominiums.
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Fordham University School of Law
Adjunct Professor of Law
- Current
Activities: Teaching Real Estate Transactions
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U.S. Green Building Council National Legal Working Group
- Current
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American Bar Association
- Current
Activities: Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section Green and Sustainable Transactions Committee
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New York Law School
Adjunct Professor of Law
- Current
Activities: Teaching Sustainable Development Law.
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Brooklyn Law School
Adjunct Professor of Law
- Current
Activities: Teaching Sustainable Building Law, Real Estate Practice and Commercial Leasing.
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The American Institute of Architects
"Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects" - National Continuing Education Webinar
Activities: "Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects" - National Continuing Education Webinar
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American Bar Association Real Property, Trust & Estate Section
Appointed 2014 - 2016 Chair of the ABA’s Real Property Trust & Estates Economics, Technology & Practice Methods Committee, Appointed 2013-2014 Vice Chair of ABA RPTE Economics, Technology and Practice Methods Committee.
Activities: Appointed 2014/15 Chair of Estate Law Section Committee on Economics, Technology and Practice Methods
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Fordham University School of Law
Speaker - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs""
Activities: Lunch and Learn - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs""
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Elisabeth Haub School of Law - Pace University
Speaker - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs""
Activities: Lunch and Learn - Speaker - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs""
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Hudson-Bergen Inn of Transactional Counsel CLE Program - Hackensack, New Jersey
Sustainable Building Law & Green Leasing
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Sterling Education Services, Inc. - White Plains, NY - January 2014
Speaker - CLE Program - "Lease Drafting, Structuring and Negotiating"
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BuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center - AIA Program - New York City - March 2014
"Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects"
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Fidelity National Title Insurance Company Continuing Legal Education Seminar - New York City - March 2014
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys"
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The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - Continuing Legal Education Program - New York City
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys" - A 2-Hour Ethics CLE
Activities: The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - Continuing Legal Education Program - Harvard Club, New York City - A two-hour CLE program
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Emory University School of Law
Teaching Transactional Skills with New Technologies and Tools
Activities: Emory University School of Law Fourth Biennial Conference on Teaching Transactional Law and Skills - Educating the Transactional Lawyer of Tomorrow
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American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Spring 2014 Symposia - Chicago, IL
Panelist - "Identify Your Cients and Work Effectively With Them"
Activities: American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Spring 2014 Symposia - Chicago, IL, Panelist - "Identify your clients and work effectively with them"
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Brooklyn Law School
Speaker - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs""
Activities: Lunch and Learn sponsored by the Brooklyn Real Estate Law Society and the Environmental Law Society.
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American Bar Association Real Property, Trust and Estate Section
Appointed 2013/14 Vice-Chair of the ABA’s Real Property, Appointed 2013/4 Vice Chair of Estate Law Section Committee on Economics, Technology and Practice Methods
Activities: Appointed 2013/14 Vice-Chair of the ABA’s Real Property, Trust and Estate Law Section Committee on Economics, Technology and Practice Methods
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Reed Elsevier Corporate Responsibility Panel Discussion, London
“Alternative Energy – A Discussion About Alternative Energy And Business, Our Products and More General Issues About What The Future May Hold For Renewables”
Activities: Panelist discussing legal issues relating to renewable energy devices.
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Education Law Association
"How Legal Education Can Get Practical"
Activities: Speaker - Education Law Association 59th Annual Conference, Westminster, Colorado
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Education Law Association
"How Legal Education Can Get Practical"
Activities: Speaker at the Education Law Association 59th Annual Conference - Westminster, Colorado.
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The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC Continuing Legal Education Program - New York City
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys"
Activities: Speaker for CLE Program entitled: "No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys"
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American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Spring 2013 Symposia - Washington, D.C.
Panelist - "New AIA Sustainable Project Documents: The Effect On Acquisition, Design, Construction And Sustainable Projects"
Activities: 24th Annual American Bar Association RPTE Symposia.
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The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - Continuing Legal Education Program - New York City
"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys"
Activities: CLE Program - New York City
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MiaGreen 2013 Expo & Conference: The Green Convention of the Americas - Miami, Florida
"Sustainble Building Law: What You Need To Know Now"
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The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - New York City - April 2012
Sustainable Building Law: What You Need To Know Now
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The American Law Institute
Green Leases: Tools, Tips, and Best Practices for Drafting (with Forms)
Activities: Continuing Legal Education Webinar Panelist.
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University Business Magazine
"The Green College and University: A Symbiotic Journey"
Activities: New Article on Colleges and Universities going Green and some of the pitfalls to watch out for. See
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Business Insurance Magazine
Failure To Deliver on Green Promises Crates Big Problems for Owners
Activities: Quoted in article about liability related to LEED Properties.
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Law Journal Newsletters - Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy
The Green Shopping Center
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BuildingsNY Conference Javits Center - New York City - May 2012
"Sustainable Building Law Update"
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Moses & Singer’s In-House Counsel CLE Program - New York City - February 2012
"Green Building Law: What You Need To Know Now"
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Sterling Education Services, Inc. - White Plains, NY - January 2012
CLE Program - "Green Commercial Lease Issues"
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MiaGreen 2012 Expo & Conference
"Sustainable Building Law Update" - January 2012
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BuildingsNY/GreenBuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center - March 2011
LEEDigation: A Green Legal Panel
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Practising Law Institute (PLI) Green Real Estate Summit 2011
How Attorneys Can Make a Difference When It Comes to the Greening of Buildings
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Starwood Hotels & Resorts
Legal Aspects Relating To Sustainable Development
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Tulane Law School Summit on Environmental Law and Policy - April 2011
Energy Efficiency-Consumer Demand, Renewable Energy and LEED Properties
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Association of the Bar of the City of New York
Latest Trends and Insights Impacting Law Practice in a Turnaround Economy - Green Leasing
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U.S. Green Building Council's GreenBuild International Conference and Expo
"Sustainable Building Law Update"
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2nd Healthcare Development Conference - Chicago - October 2011
Sustainable Development For Healthcare Facilities
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The 2nd International Conference on Green & Sustainable Technology
Benefits and Burdens of Incorporating Renewable Energy Technologies in LEED-Certified Buildings
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Cushman & Wakefield, Inc.
The Latest Developments in Sustainable Building Law Update
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Sterling Education Services, Inc. - White Plains, NY - November 2010
"Landlord-Tenant Law - Green Issues,"
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U.S. Green Building Council - GreenBuild Conference - Chicago - November, 2010
Presentation on "The Standard of Care for those providing services in the Green Building World"
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GRID NY Green Real Estate Investment & Development Conference - New York City - October 2010
Tenant/Corporate Facilities Panel
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Citi-Anchin Indian Initiative - New York City - June 2010
Indian Businesses Go Green
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Global Strategic Management Institute's Sustainable Buildings Series: Retrofits Conference - New York City - May 2010
Green Leases: More than Lease Language
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The Institute of International Social Development and Forum 21 - New York City - April 2010
Green Buildings Home and Abroad
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The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - New York City - March 2010
Turning Green and Staying Green: Legal Issues Affecting Sustainable Buildings
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Practising Law Institute (PLI) Green Real Estate Summit 2010 - New York City - March 2010
What Attorneys, Developers, Regulators, Tenants & Lenders Need to Know
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National Council for Science and the Environment (NCSE) - Washington, DC - January 2010
Legal Issues Relating to Green Buildings
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New York State Energy Research and Development Authority - New York City - November 2009
New Responsibilities of Project Teams When Working on a Green Project Video Conference
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Hudson Valley Bank & Lawline - New York City - November 2009
Seeing Green: Legal Issues You Need to Know Concerning Green Buildings
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FIT Economic Forum on India 2009 - New York City - October 2009
Green Buildings and India
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Brooklyn Law School - Brooklyn, NY - September 2009
Lunch Hour Seminar on Legal Issues Affecting Sustainable Development
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Urban Green Expo - New York City - September 2009
The Green Rules- Legal and Insurance Issues Arising from Green Building Renovations
Activities: The Green Rules - Legal and Insurance Issues
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Advantage Title - Long Island - June 2009
Green Ethics
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Alternative Energy & Building Efficiency ’09 Conference & Exhibition - Boston - May 2009
Legal Issues Affecting Green Buildings
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Moses & Singer’s In-House Counsel CLE Program - New York City - April 2009
Legal Issues Affecting Green Buildings
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Articles & Publications
"What Attorneys Can Do To Help Clients Develop Sustainable Affordable Housing"
New York State Bar Association
"Carbon Emissions and Energy Benchmarking"
Indiana Law Review Journal, Vol. 58, Issue 2, Fall 2024
"Keeping Your Eye on the ESG Sustainable Development Ball"
Dickinson Law Journal, Vol. 128, Issue 3, Spring 2024
The Ultimate Green Playbook for Condos and Coops
American Bar Association, Probate & Property, March/April 2023
Coops, Condos and COVID-19
New York Bar Association Journal
What Works For Me (Part II)
American College of Real Estate Lawyers, News & Notes
What Works For Me
American College of Real Estate Lawyers, News & Notes
Green Lease Provisions chapter in the two volume treatise "Negotiating and Drafting Office Leases"
Law Journal Press, edited by John Busey Wood and Alan M. Di Sciullo
Design Center Leasing - A Hybrid Approach
Probate & Property, Vol. 32, No. 2, March/April 2018 (American Bar Association), Copyright 2018 American Bar Association
Trends in Green Leasing - Form the Early Days to Today
Probate & Property, Vol. 30, No. 2, March/April 2016 (American Bar Association), Copyright 2016 American Bar Association
Law Firms Adopt Sustainability To Stay Sustainable
New York Law Journal
Real Estate Documents Turn Green
Probate & Property, Vol. 27, No. 2, March/April 2013 (American Bar Association), Copywright 2014 American Bar Association
Technology in Law Practice and in the Classroom
Transactions – The Tennessee Journal of Business Law, Volume 15, Number 3, Summer 2014
The Green Shopping Center - A Landlord or Tenant Endeavor
Shopping Center Legal Update, International Council of Shopping Centers, Inc.
"Green Leasing: It's Not Just About Capital Expenditures"
Probate & Property, Vol. 27, No. 2, March/April 2013 (American Bar Association), Copyright 2013 American Bar Association
How Colleges and Universities Can Turn Green Without Some of the Typical Pitfalls
Brooklyn Law School Practicum Journal
How Legal Education Can Get Practical
The National Jurist
The Green College and University: A Symbiotic Journey
University Business Magazine
The Green Shopping Center
Commercial Leasing Law & Strategy
Are You Being Greenwashed?
New York Bar Association Journal
'Greenwashing' the truth about green construction
Business Insurance Magazine
Adjunct Faculty Bring Wealth of Expertise from the Courtroom to the Classroom
BLS LawNotes
Greenwashing: Deceptive Business Claims of Eco-Friendliness
The Greenwashing Domino Effect
Thomson Reuters News & Insight
Sustainable Healthcare Contracting and Expansion Issues
Medical Tourism Magazine
Benefits and Burdens of Incorporating Renewable Energy Technologies in LEED-Certified Buildings
Bloomberg Law Reports
How Attorneys Can Make a Difference When It Comes to the Greening of Buildings
Practicing Law Institute Coursebook
Legal Handbook For Architects, Engineers & Contractors
West Thompson
Green Lease Issues for Commercial Tenants Set to Grow
Real Estate Weekly
Legal Green: Navigating Sustainable Design Law
Contract Magazine
Legal Issues Relating to Green Building
The Judicial Title Insurance Agency
The Real Estate Owners Perspective: Opportunities and Risks
Practicing Law Institute Coursebook
Green Business is Good Bus
Green Lease Issues for Commercial Tenants
Moses & Singer Real Estate Update
Here Come the Lawyers, Part Two
Green & Design
Here Come the Lawyers, Part One
Green & Design
Speaking Engagements
Panelist - "Local Law 97: A Must Know for Solo and Small Law Firms", New York City Bar Association, New York City Bar Association Continuing Legal Education, New York, New York
New York City Bar Association
How small law firms and solo practitioners can navigate compliance with Local Law 97, a NYC regulation that limits the greenhouse gas emissions from most buildings over 25,000 feet, while representing their clients in NYC real estate transactions – particularly those representing purchasers of coop/condo units, coop/condo boards. as well as commercial tenants or owners.
"Incorporating Experiential Learning into (Almost) Any Course”, CALIcon24, University of Washington School of Law, June 2024
Discussion of how to incorporate Experiential Learning into (almost) any law school course.
Organizer and Moderator - “Third Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp”, Brooklyn Law School's Third Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Law School
The Bootcamp discussed what NYS, NYC and real estate developers are doing to prepare for future superstorms, chaotic weather patterns, and rising seas and how new build or retrofit of existing buildings can battle this issue. Brooklyn Law School offered its Third Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp which provided attendees with some answers on how property owners can satisfy existing and upcoming legislation, ensure buildings are more resilient and sustainable, and pay for it.
Speaker - “Keeping Your Eye on the Sustainable ESG Development Ball”, Dickinson Law Review Symposium, Penn State Dickinson Law School, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania State University - Dickinson School of Law
This session discussed the intersection of ESG Protocols and Real Estate.
Panelist - "Are You Ready for Local Law 97?: Carbon Reduction in New York’s Built Environment", New York City Bar Association Event, New York, NY
New York City Bar Association
Perspectives of city government, property owners and managers, engineers, and real estate law on Local Law 97..
Panelist - "Going Green without Hulking Out: Green Energy Commercial Leases Benefits and Practical Tips", American Bar Association - 36th Annual Real Property Trusts & Estates National CLE Conference – Washington, DC, May 2023, Washington, DC
American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Section
• "Going Green without Hulking Out: Green Energy Commercial Leases Benefits and Practical Tips", American Bar Association - 36th Annual Real Property Trusts & Estates National CLE Conference – Washington, DC, May 2023
Organizer and Moderator - “Second Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp”, Second Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Law School
The Second Annual Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp provided participants with answers on how to satisfy some of the regulatory requirements of the Climate Mobilization Act of 2019 and particularly, Local Law 97.
Organizer and Moderator - “Introduction to Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp”, Introduction to Sustainability and Future Cities Boot Camp, Brooklyn
Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn Law School one-day boot camp providing participants a forward-looking immersion into the regulatory and market landscape defining sustainability and how it applies to the urban environment. Topics will include: (a)How market forces and new legislation are propelling innovation in sustainability;(b) How green contracts are impacting designers, developers, and contractors; (c) How recent developments in NYC might foreshadow systemic changes to national infrastructure; (d) How advances.
Speaker - “Keeping Your Eye on The CSR Sustainable Development Ball”, 8th Annual Global Corporate Governance Institute Conference, Entrepreneurial Corporate Governance: Sustainability and Equity”, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
8th Annual Global Corporate Governance Institute Conference
ESG and the built Environment - What legal issues are involved.
Speaker - "Legal Issues Relating to Sustainable Development", New York State Green Building Conference, Virtual
New York State Green Building Conference & SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
This session presented the legal issues relating to sustainable development and the myriad of liabilities each party may incur in the green building world.
Moderator - “Climate Change Impacts In Real Estate”, Brooklyn Law School Environmental Law & Real Estate Society Roundtable, Brooklyn Law School
Brooklyn Law School
Roundtable discussion of Climate Change Impacts in Real Estate and how residential and commercial property owners are, and will, need to deal with new laws requiring carbon emission and energy reductions.
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys”, Zoom
The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC - Continuing Legal Education Program - New York City
One-Hour Ethics CLE titled: “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys”
Speaker - “Innovative Delivery and Finance: The Big Picture,”• “Innovative Delivery and Finance: The Big Picture,” Town+Gown, New York City Department of Design & Construction, Construction and Finance in 2019, New York Law School
Town+Gown, New York City Department of Design & Construction
Program on Construction and Finance in 2019
Speaker - “Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias,” Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC, Harvard Club of New York, Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC 1-hour CLE, September 2017, Harvard Club of New York
The Judicial Title Insurance Agency LLC
“Diversity, Inclusion and Elimination of Bias,” CLE Program.
Moderator and Speaker - "Revolutionizing Transactional Practice Methods: How to Overcome Transactional Attorney Pain Points with Evolving Practice Tools", American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estate Webinar - New York, NY, American Bar Association, New York, New York
American Bar Association
American Bar Association Real Property Trust & Estate Webinar
Speaker - "Sustainable Development, LEED Buildings and Green Legal Jobs - They Are Not Only Where You Would Expect Them To Be", Master Class Presentation and Discussion, New York
New York Law School - The Center for Real Estate Studies
Lunch and Learn session discussing the myriad of green legal jobs due to increases in legislation, litigation and transactional matters.
“No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys”, Fidelity National Title Insurance Company CLE Program at the Yale Club of NYC, Yale Club of NYC
Fidelity National Title Insurance Company
One-Hour CLE titled: “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished - Ethical Challenges for Real Estate Attorneys”
Evolving Teaching Tools - What Resources Are Available to Help Us Teach Our Students Practical Skills, Emory University School of Law Fifth Biennial Conference on Teaching Transactional Law and Skills, Emory University School of Law, Atlanta, GA
Emory University School of Law
Speaker at Emory University School of Law Fifth Biennial Conference on Teaching Transactional Law and Skills - "Evolving Teaching Tools - What Resources Are Available to Help Us Teach Our Students Practical Skills"
Moderator and Speaker - "Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects", BuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center, New York
American Institute of Architects
"Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects", BuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center - AIA Program - New York City - May 2016
Moderator and Speaker - "Revolutionizing Transactional Practice Methods: How to Overcome Transactional Attorney Pain Points with Evolving Practice Tools", American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Spring 2016 Symposia -, Boston, MA
American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Section
90-Minute CLE on new practice tools for real estate transactional attorneys.
Speaker - “Teaching Transactional Practice Skills with On-Line Products”, 15th Annual Transactional Clinical Conference - “Tools of Translation”, University of Baltimore School of Law, Baltimore, MD
15th Annual Transactional Clinical Conference - “Tools of Translation”
This session presented the on-line tools that professors could use in teaching transactional practice skills.
Panelist - “The State of Real Estate in New York and How Corporate Social Responsibility Affects its Stakeholders", City & State Awards Breakfast, New York
City & State Newspaper and New York Law School
Thought leadership panel discussion about the state of real estate in New York and how corporate social responsibility affects its stakeholders.
Speaker - "The Evolving Transactional Attorney Practice Tools", New York State Bar Association Annual Meeting CLE Program, New York, New York
New York State Bar Association
Annual Meeting CLE Program
Speaker - Landlord-Tenant Law - How to Prosper in the New Market, Sterling Education Services, Inc. CLE Program - White Plains, New York., White Plains, New York
Sterling Education Services, Inc. CLE Program - White Plains, New York.
Sterling Education Services, Inc. CLE Program - White Plains, New York.
Panelist - "Who's The Client? Ethical Issues in Commercial Real Estate Transactions for Inside and Outside Counsel", The American Law Institute/ACREL CLE Webinar Program
The American Law Institute/ACREL CLE Webinar Program
The American Law Institute/ACREL CLE Webinar Program
Speaker - "The Evolving Transactional Attorney Practice Tools", 2015 Annual Florida Bar Convention, Boca Raton, Florida
Florida State Bar
2-Hour CLE Program.
Panelist - "Lease Drafting and Operational Issues With Intensive Office Users: Changing Trends in the Design and Utilization of Office Space", American Bar Association - Real Property Trust & Estates Spring 2015 Symposia -, Washington, DC
American Bar Association - Section of Real Property, Trust & Estates
Panelist - "Lease Drafting and Operational Issues With Intensive Office Users: Changing Trends in the Design and Utilization of Office Space"
"Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects", BuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center, New York City
American Institute of Architects
"Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects", BuildingsNY Conference - Javits Center - AIA Program - New York City - April 2015
Panelist/Moderator - "Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects", The American Institute of Architects National Continuing Education Webinar, New York City
The American Institute of Architects
The American Institute of Architects National Continuing Education Webinar on "Using AIA Tools to Manage Legal Issues on Sustainable Projects"
LEED Accredited Professional
U.S. Green Building Council
Green Globes Professional
Green Building Initiative
Lean Six Sigma Yellow Belt
Contact & Map
Cohen Brothers Realty Corporation
750 Lexington Avenue
28th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Telephone: (212) 590-5234
230 Park Avenue
7th Floor
New York, NY 10169
Telephone: (212) 448-2728