(305) 600-0125Tap to Call This Lawyer

Joseph Gendron
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
Download Power of Attorney Forms at http://powerofattorneyform.com
Download Lease Agreement Forms at http://rentalleaseagreement.com
Download Divorce Papers at http://www.divorcepapers.com
Download LLC Operating Agreements at http://ellcoperatingagreement.com
Practice Area
- Real Estate Law
- Commercial Real Estate, Condominiums, Easements, Eminent Domain, Homeowners Association, Land Use & Zoning, Mortgages, Neighbor Disputes, Residential Real Estate, Water Law
Legal Answers
4 Questions Answered
- Q. Do you need to live in the same state to be an power of attorney
- A: no, but the form must comply with the State that the power of attorney is being used. Source http://powerofattorneyform.com
- Q. Landlord lease or clay county florida laws what takes precedent
- A: the laws of the State usually take precedent. To see what exactly the laws are (because you question is not clear on what it is pertaining) find them at http://rentalleaseagreement.com/Florida-Rental-Lease-Agreement-FL.htm (Bottom of the Page)
- Q. How do I request a court audit of a Power of Attorney in Arizona?
- A: You must file a petition in the jursiction where you reside. If you are only seeking a power of attorney revocation form which cancels a POA form you can download one free at http://powerofattorneyform.com
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