Jack Mevorach

Jack Mevorach

I live in NYC. Call (516) 295-7655 (cell) any day or night, up until 11:00 pm.
  • New York
Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A

Free consultation; never rushed. Experienced attorney (30+ years) living in New York City offering discount fees, flat fees and/or contingency fees. One-page resume appears at MEVORACH.COM

New York State attorney practicing in these areas: Administrative • Arbitration • Business • Computer • Contract • Internet • Landlord/Tenant • Legal Malpractice • Litigation (Civil and Commercial) • Real Estate • Secured Transactions • Tort

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
New York
New York State Office of Court Administration
ID Number: 2232569
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Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University
Maurice A. Deane School of Law at Hofstra University Logo
Professional Associations
New York State Bar  # 2232569
- Current
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Legal Answers
198 Questions Answered
Q. Attorney suing for $100k in NYC after $150k retainer for unheld trial; need defense for overstated fees.
A: My understanding is that they cannot skip arbitration. It's mandatory. After arbitration, any party can file in court. You may be able to have the lawsuit dismissed without prejudice and force arbitration.

Q. Do I need to go to court to remove ex-wife from home mortgage and deed in NY?
A: Yes, unless she will do this voluntarily.

Q. Am I violating my separation agreement by giving a statement to Company A's legal team regarding events at Company B?
A: "Respond to legal inquiries" but no subpoena? Consult counsel.

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Contact & Map
132 Spruce St
Cedarhurst, NY 11516
Telephone: (516) 295-7655