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Claimed Lawyer ProfileQ&A
Member of Minnesota Bar Association since Oct. 1, 1988
Specialty in Consumer Bankruptcy
Estate Planning
Practice Area
- Bankruptcy
- Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 13 Bankruptcy, Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, Debt Relief
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
- Minnesota
- Minnesota Supreme Court
- ID Number: 0191759
Professional Associations
- State Bar of Minnesota  # 0191759
- Member
- Current
Legal Answers
1 Questions Answered
- Q. After I marry my wife who is from Columbia. How much longer can she stay in America. And how soon can I get her a visa
- A: If you are a US citizen or have permeant residence status you can file a form I-130 sponsoring her for permanent resident stats and she can stay in the US. She can also apply for a work permit and receive a social security number.
Once she received permanent resident status it will be for a 2 year period. Within 3 months of the end of that 2 year period she will have to apply for a removal of the condition to obtain a green card with no restriction.
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