David Colapinto
David K. Colapinto is a nationally recognized advocate for whistleblowers specializing in Qui Tam/False Claims Act, Dodd-Frank Act SEC whistleblower claims, IRS whistleblower claims, Freedom of Information and Privacy Act litigation, and whistleblower discrimination and retaliation litigation. He has more than 25 years of experience successfully representing many whistleblowers in state and federal courts and before numerous agencies. He played a central role in securing whistleblower protections for FBI employees, successfully representing Dr. Fredric Whitehurst, the FBI lab forensics expert who suffered retaliation after reporting serious misconduct and poor lab practices at the FBI. He was lead counsel for the whistleblower in a major qui tam/False Claims action against the drug maker Bristol-Myers Squibb, helping to recover more than $500 million for U.S. taxpayers and the government. He served as co-counsel in Linda Tripp’s successful lawsuit citing Privacy Act violations by the Department of Defense, and co-counsel for Bradley Birkenfeld helping to recover the largest ever tax whistleblower award ($104 million) for Mr. Birkenfeld in 2012. Mr. Colapinto is an experienced litigator and has established important precedent under the Freedom of Information Act. He is co-founder of the National Whistleblowers Center and a Trustee of the National Whistleblowers Legal Defense & Education Fund.
- Employment Law
- Employee Benefits, Employment Contracts, Employment Discrimination, ERISA, Overtime & Unpaid Wages, Sexual Harassment, Whistleblower, Wrongful Termination
- Tax Law
- Business Taxes, Criminal Tax Litigation, Estate Tax Planning, Income Taxes, International Taxes, Payroll Taxes, Property Taxes, Sales Taxes, Tax Appeals, Tax Audits, Tax Planning
- Securities Law
- Gov & Administrative Law
- Administrative Law, Election Law, Government Contracts, Government Finance, Legislative & Government Affairs
- International Law
- Human Rights, Imports & Exports
- Whistleblower Protections and Rewards under the False Claims Act
- Whistleblower Protections and Rewards under the Dodd-Frank Act
- Whistleblower Protections and Rewards under the Internal Revenue Code
- Whistleblower Protections and Rewards under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Free Consultation
- Contingent Fees
Rates, Retainers and Additional Information
For information about the fee policies at Kohn, Kohn and Colapinto, see our Standard Billing Rates page, http://www.kkc.com/our-firm/standard-billing-rates/
- District of Columbia
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit
- U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia
- U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts
- U.S. Supreme Court
- Antioch School of Law
- J.D.
- Boston University
- Elite Trial Lawyers Recognition
- National Law Journal
- America’s Most Honored Proffessionals
- American Registry
- Washington’s Best Legal Minds
- Washingtonian Magazine
- The Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Martindale-Hubbell
- The Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers, Martindale-Hubbell
- District of Columbia Bar
- Member
- - Current
- Website
- Firm Website